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Tel: + 36 30 812 4067
Fax: +36 1 310 2211
Lorantffy Zs. u. 13.
1043 Budapest, Hungary

Welcome to the European PPP Center

The European PPP Center (EPPPC) is dedicated to serve as a know-how center for public sector bodies, private entrepreneurs, investors and other industry players on the growing international marketplace of Public Private Partnerships (PPP). We aim to fully embrace PPP topics and develop the skills and competencies of the above representatives by offering them tailor made trainings, strategic conferences and access to business intelligence through our consulting services.

EPPPC is committed to delivering the highest quality and to ensuring connection to latest PPP trends and developments.

Bulgaria’s Commission for the Protection of Competition (CPC) reacts to new draft PPP law

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PPP projects are becoming more realistic in Ukraine

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PPPs and Pension Funds – how does it go together?

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Partner Organization
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Kazakhstan PPP Center

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Partner Organization
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